Spiritual Training Cycle: Foundation (wk. 2/13)
Unconventional fitness. These two words have the power to change your life. I know that because unconventional fitness has changed my life. It has transformed me into a completely different human being. I’m faster. I’m stronger. I’m also more peaceful and patient. Unconventional fitness doesn’t just work for your body, it also works for your mind and soul. Here are three ways unconventional fitness can change your life.
Before we dive in though, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what unconventional fitness is. Simply stated, unconventional fitness breaks away from traditional training methods and incorporates unique approaches, environments, tools, or philosophies to challenge the body, mind, and soul in creative ways.
When you flip a tire or carry an odd object, that’s unconventional. When you swing a kettlebell, jump on a plyometric box, then run 400 meters, that’s unconventional. Unconventional fitness is not random. Rather, it’s a unique way of working out that’s constantly stimulating the body in different ways forcing us to adapt. And it works!
Now that we know what it is, let’s look at how it changes us
Unconventional fitness transforms your mind
How many times have you found yourself doing the same thing over and over again? All the time. And at some point, your brain switches into autopilot and no longer thinks about those decisions. Unconventional fitness keeps your mind engaged. Like a great new series on your favorite streaming service, new daily workouts in new environments with new challenges require focus. And they prevent your autopilot from kicking on. When it comes to fitness training, if you want to sharpen your brain as well as your body, you need to train unconventionally.
Unconventional fitness transforms your body
Let’s face it. We’re lazy people. And I can prove it. Almost every “innovation” in the modern era has been an attempt to ease the burden on our life. Today, we can Facetime our friend while ordering our groceries to be delivered while an Uber driver manages rush hour traffic for us. To people born a few generations ago, our first-world problems hardly seem like problems at all.
But it’s not our fault. We are biologically designed to accomplish any task with the least amount of effort possible. So don’t feel bad that you DoorDash instead of cook.
When it comes to fitness training, the more varied the exercise, the harder it is for the body to adapt. Because the body doesn’t know what’s coming next. Which makes unconventional fitness the weapon of choice.
Vary the intensity. Vary the weight. Vary the exercises. The more you keep mixing it up, the better. When you’re ready for a true body transformation, unconventional fitness will get you there.
Unconventional fitness transforms your soul
When it comes to spiritual exercise, the same rule still applies. You’ve got to train your soul in unique and unexpected ways. When Jesus was talking to His disciples, He gave them a command. A command so unconventional it would rock the ancient world. You ready for it?
Love one another. Loving others may be one of the most unconventional things you do. Because it’s not always easy. Jesus said our love for one another would be proof to the world that we belong to Him. To His church.
The church is not a building you go to on Sunday morning. The church is a global movement of the Spirit of God through the people of God doing the work of God for the glory of God. And love is the unconventional training method the church must use.
Love doesn’t only transform your soul; it transforms the souls of those you love. Even when they don’t realize it. God’s love draws us to Him because His love is unconventional.
Questions for Reflection:
Of your mind, body, or soul, which one needs the most work right now?
How have you experienced God’s unconventional love?
What would it look like for you to love unconventionally?